- Uknown Doer : Pelaku yang tidak dikenal
- Vocation/Holiday : Liburan
- Sink/Down : Tenggelam
- I opened it by mistake : Saya membukanya dengan tidak sengaja
- Suddenly : Tiba-tiba
- Wealthy/Rich : Kaya
- A lot of/Many : Banyak
- Several : Beberapa
- Similar : Sama
- Various : Seragam
- Wild >< Tame : Liar >< jinak
- Scholar : Sarjana
- Scholar Ship : Beasiswa
- Advertise : Mengiklankan
- Advertisement : Iklan
- Advertising company : Perusahaan iklan
- Offer : Menawarkan
- Bill : Tagihan
- You have dialed wrong number : Kamu salah sambung
- Take a rest for a while : Istirahat sejenak
- Take a nap : Tidur siang
- Dizzy : Pusing
- Headchace : Sakit kepala
- Sore throat : Sakit tenggorokan
- Backache : Sakit tulang punggung
- Sore eyes : Sakit mata
- Fever : Demam
- Toot hache : Sakit gigi
- Stomache : Sakit perut
- Cold : Pilek
- Cough : Batuk
- Sore knee : Sakit lutut
- Earache : Sakit telinga
- Jealeus : Cemburu
- Treat : Traktir
- Come on time : Datang tepat waktu
- Keep your promise : Tepati janji mu
- Multiple choice : Pilihan ganda
- Call of/cancel : Batal
- Is it seat taken ? : Boleh saya duduk ?
- I was a woke all night : Saya tidak tidur semalam
- House keeper/servant/nanny/maid : Pembantu
- News stand : Kios koran
- Case : Kasus
- Incase/id/weather : Jika
- Empty/vacant : Kosong
- Job vacancy : Lowongan pekerjaan
- Book shelf : Rak buku
- When did you last put gas on your car ? : Kapan terakhir kamu mengisi bensin
- Oil refinery : Penyulingan minyak
- Cause : Penyebab
- Lightning struck the tree : Petir menyambar pohon
- Go on : Segera
- Who need a ride : Siapa butuh tumpangan
- This seat is not (isn't) occupied : Kursi ini kosong
- Out of question/impossible : Tidak mungkin/mustahil
- Mother tongue : Bahasa ibu
- Awful/ugly : Jelek
- Perhaps/may be/probably : Mungkin
- Leisure time/free time : Waktu luang
- Electrician : Tukang listrik
- No electricity/black out : Mati lampu
- Light bulp burned down : Bola lampu putus
- Wrap : Membungkus
- Fold : Melipat
- Scroll : Menggulung
- Develop : Mengembangkan
- Purchase/buy : Membeli
- Would you pass the salt : Maukah kau mengambilkan garam ?
- The woman was insulted : Perempuan itu tersinggung
- Postpone/put off/delay : Ditunda
- Resign : Mengundurkan diri
- Retired : Pensiun
- Exhibition/fair/display : Pemeran
- Airfare : Ongkos pesawat
- Screwdriver : Obeng
- Accompany : Menemani
- Sleep soudly : Tidur sejenak
- Empty seat : Kursi kosong
- Over seas call : Telepon luar negeri
- Bare foot : Kaki ayam
- Wiser : Lebih bijaksana
- The science of medicine : Ilmu pengobatan
- Century : Abad
- Discoverles : Menemukan
- Discoveries/fine/invent : Menemukan
- Major : Jurusan
- Distance : Jarak
- Interrupt/disturb/brother : Mengganggu
- Puffy : Berair
- Put to : Dikarenakan
- Carrousels : Mainan kuda-kudaan
- Hurricane/storm : Badai
- Studios : Kutu buku
- Famine stricken area : Daerah yang dilanda kelaparan
- Hijack : Membajak (pesawat)
- Extremely/very : Sangat
- Including : Termasuk
- Be punctual : Tepat waktu
- Destination/purpose/aim/goal : Tujuan
- Toilet/restroom/lavatory : Kamar mandi
- Graduation party : Pesta kelulusan
- Annoying : Menjengkelkan
- Sky scrapers : Gedung pencakar langit
- Cultivate : Mengolah
- Blanket : Selimut
- Bad : Jelek
- Worse : Lebih jelek
- Worst : Paling jelek
- Cheap : Murah
- Conclude : Menyimpulkan
- Coach : Pelatih
- Wrap : Bungkus
- Depleting : Berkurang dengan cepat
- River : Sungai
- No littering : Jangan buang sampah
- Praise : Pujian
- Power full : Sangat kuat
- Weapon : Senjata
- Refuse : Menolak
- Requirement : Syarat
- Genies : Jin perempuan
- Build : Membangun
- Complete : Selesai
- Pound : Penyimpanan
- Afraid : Takut
- Curse : Kutukan
- Statute : Patung
- Burn : Membakar
- Window shopping : Cuci mata
- Sea shore : Pinggiran pantai
- Eruption : Erosi
- Shorts : Celana penek
- Alone : Sendiri
- Broke up : Putus
- Broke down : Mogok
- Job/occupation/profession : Pekerjaan
- What do you do living : Apa pekerjaanmu
- Home boy : Anak mami
- Go dutch : Bayar sendiri
- Down town : Pusat kota
- Home town : Kota kelahiran
- Generous : Pemurah
- Stingy : Pelit
- Talk active : Cerewet
- Dentist : Dokter gigi
- Civil servant/goverment employ : Pegawai negeri
Irregular Verb
1. Have (V1), had (V2), had (V3) = Memiliki
Eg: I have no enough money to continue my degree
2. See, saw, seen = Melihat
Eg: Yayan saw his neighbor daughter taking a bath last night.
3. Spend, spent, spent = Menghabiskan
Eg: Yayan has spent much money to buy smoke.
4. Speak, spoke, spoken = Berbicara
Eg: Yayan has spoken with his girl that he wants to live together.
5. Strike, struck, struck = Menabrak
Eg: Yayan struck a widow Thursday night.
6. Take, took, taken = Mengambil
Eg: Yayan takes pen of his friends
7. Teach, taught, taught = Mengajar
Eg: Yayan teaches acrobatic sports for female students in senior high school.
8. Split, split, split = Membelah
Eg: Yayan used to split durian every night.
Phrasal Verb
1. Bring up = Mention a topic
Eg: My mother brought up that little matter of my prison record again.
2. Hold up = Delay
Eg: I hate to hold up the meeting, but i have to go to the bathroom.
3. Make out = Hear, understand
Eg: He was so far away, we really couldn't make out what he was saying.
4. Pick out = Choose
Eg: She picked out the guy she thought had stolen her purse.
5. Put on = Put clothing on the body
Eg: I put on a sweater and a jacket.
6. Read over = Peruse
Eg: I read over a letter from my ex-girl friend
7. Take down = Make a written note
Eg: The are some instructions. please take them down before you forget.
8. Take of = Remove clothing
Eg: I was so hot tha i had to take of my shirt.
9. Talk over = Discuss
Eg: We have a serious problem here. let's talk them over like adults.
10. Throw away = Discard
Eg: That's a lot of money! do not just throw it away.
11. Turn down = Lower volume
Eg: Your radio is driving me crazy! please turn it down.
12. Turn up = Raise the volume
Eg: Grandpa couldn't hear, so he turned up his hearing aid
13. Go over = Review
Eg: The students went over the material before the exam.
14. Look into = Investigate
Eg: The police will look into the possibilities of embezzlement.
15. Take after = Resemble
Eg: My second son seems to take after his mother
16. Catch on = Become popular
Eg: Popular songs seem to catch on in california first and then spread eastward
17. Come back = Return to a place
Eg: I will come back to my hometown after finishing study in the UK
18. Come in = Enter
Eg: They tried to come in through the back door.
19. Show up = Arrive
Eg: Efrain showed up for class twenty minutes late.
20. Drop out of = Leave school
Eg: I hope none of students drop out of school this semester
21. Get through with = Finish
Eg: When will you ever get through with that program?
22. Look up to = Respect
Eg: First-grades really look up to their teacher.
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